Instructions for using the Taito supercomputer

The Taito supercomputer at CSC is at our disposal for performing computational exercises. Material for the exercises can be found at Taito under the following directory:


1. Transferring files to and from Taito

Using Windows, use SCP to transfer files between your workstation and Taito through these steps:

  • Launch the application "WinSCP"
  • Under "Host name", enter ""
  • Enter your user name and password into the designated fields
  • Click "Login"

    2. Establishing an SSH connection to Taito

    Using Windows, log onto the Taito supercomputer via SSH through these steps:

  • Launch the application "Xming"

  • Launch the application "PuTTYTray"
  • Under "Session", enter "" for the Host Name
  • Under "Connection" > "SSH" > "X11", select "Enable X11 forwarding"
  • Click "Open" and follow the instructions.

  • 3. Running jobs on Taito

  • Move to your personal work directory via the command "cd $WRKDIR"

  • Calculations are performed by creating a batch job script using a text editor and then submitting the job script to the batch system. Do NOT run jobs directly on the login nodes.

  • Here's an example of a batch job script:
  • #!/bin/bash -l
    #SBATCH -J my_jobname
    #SBATCH -e my_output_err_%j
    #SBATCH -o my_output_%j
    #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000
    #SBATCH --constraint=hsw
    #SBATCH -t 00:15:00
    #SBATCH -n 4
    #SBATCH -p parallel
    #SBATCH --reservation=training

    ## run my MPI executable
    srun my_executable

    exit 0;

  • Submit your script using the command "qsub"
  • Check the status of your job using the command "qstat"